Wednesday, February 17, 2010


I set up a Delicious account at the beginning of the semester. I think it was Krysti who might have mentioned it and so I went out to see what it was.

I love that I can tag, sort, and group things however I see fit for me. I can have things tagged to be in more than one group. I started with various links to things for this class, but then included all of my bookmarks from my work PC and from my own laptop. It's great, I can now go anywhere and access the websites I use most without having to remember the URL for each one.

I know it can do so much more than I am currently using it for. I just haven't had the time to really explore. Each time I go in I try to read about things you can do, and it is pretty amazing how something that seems so simple can really help keep me organized - and for free!

I haven't figured out how to share my bookmarks or add people to my network, but should anyone be interested let me know and I will figure it out. I had forgotten that I had a yahoo account, but that is the email Delicious recognized when I was registering. I agree with Rick, I think I have too many email accounts. Although I am slowly learning how to manage those too.

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