Friday, February 26, 2010

What license would I use?

I have been editing my blog about this throughout the week. I am not sure why I don't really know what I want to say about this, but after reading Kelly's blog I think I have a clearer voice.

For the most part I really like the creative commons/share alike concept. I don't think that I will every really create something that I wouldn't want someone to be able to use or expand upon to make better or just different.

But there is a side of me that then says, it might depend on what I was creating. I love being able to use things under the guise of educational, but I do want to make sure that whoever originally created gets recognized, but that is sometimes very difficult to do. People do not always post things using their real identities or give much information and it really can take a lot of effort to trace the information, at least I have found that with some images.

Now, if I spent years writing the next great American novel, I don't think I would put that out there under a creative commons license or anything similar. I would be expecting to actually make money off of that, assuming I could actually write well. But with things that I am creating in class, I really have not worried about if someone would use it or alter it. If my ideas inspire someone to take it to another level or in another direction, great.

But like Kelly, I do occasionally feel strange just putting all this information out there into the public domain. For me, it isn't that I don't want anyone to use something I create, I really don't want to share my personal things with the world. So far, I don't think my musings have gone into a personal realm I am uncomfortable with so there are no worries. I don't mind blogging about specific subjects, but I don't see myself using this as my personal diary and making that public.

In reading some of the information on Wikipedia about intellectual property, I do see there is a fine line to walk there. If we start saying that everything falls within intellectual property, how do we continue to grow and expand ideas? I don't know if anyone else saw the information about a letter Bill gates wrote chastising other code creators for taking the information he created and modifying it without giving him credit or monetary offers. I kind of found it a little funny, but do understand how after so many hours of hard work, you do deserve recognition for your efforts. If the information has been copyrighted or patented, then yes according to law there are steps you need to take to use that "item". But in the case of technology, there should be expectations that someone will take that information and expand upon it to hopefully help improve it and continue the growth.

Thursday, February 25, 2010


In searching for audio sharing sites, I came across Chirbit. It is free to join and pretty easy to use. You can record, upload, and share sound bites, music, jokes, whatever. You can even link these to Twitter and Facebook.

When you create an account, you get your own page that looks similar to blog pages. You have a menu of anything you have uploaded or created yourself as the main part of the page. Along the side you can have things your are following or your favorites, and you can browse sound files by category. So for the random movie quotes is my favorite area.

You can upload mp3s, m4as, and wav files up to 120mb. You can also record something directly from your webcam or mic up to 2 minutes in length. There are a few things still in beta, such as uploading voice memos from iphone or google voice.

I don't know if I will use this as my primary audio sharing tool, I am still checking out other things. For music I often use Pandora, although I can no longer use it at work - uses too much bandwidth they say. If I find anything else useful and fun I will post it for everyone to check out.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


The next Wikimedia project I checked out was Wikisource. This again had to do with books.

"Wikisource is an online library of free content textual sources, operated by the Wikimedia Foundation. Its aims are to harbour all forms of free text, in many languages. It also provides translation efforts to this end."

Most of the books on Wikisource are free of copyright, meaning the work was published before January 1, 1923 and the author has been deceased for over 100 years, or have been released under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

In looking around I found what is said to be Shakespeare's last will and testament. I have to say I am not sure how correct I believe it is since there is nothing citing its source or how they came across the article. When you look at the history of the page, you can see where people have made edits and changes, and for the most part they appear to be grammar or spelling corrections, but how do we know those edits are correct?

It seems that many of Shakespeare's works cited on Wikisource say doubts have been raised about its source. People are consistently editing the works of Shakespeare, but most likely from several different sources which they are not always citing, so whose to say which one might be a complete and true example?

I know that the works of Shakespeare have been altered by many people outside of Wikisource, so this is not anything new or disturbing. If you go to see an actual production, I am sure it isn't pulled just from one version. But this is where I question how authentic and accurate is the information that is being put out there?

I guess it does go to say that you should always double check the source of information and not take everything you read as absolute. That being said, it is a pretty nifty sight to explore. There are all sorts of books that I would never explore on this site and I look forward to reading some of them - for free!


In looking at some of the various Wikimedia projects I decided to check out Wikibooks. I chose it because I love to read and thought it would be interesting to see what they actually did.

Wikibooks launched in 2003 as project to host and build free textbooks. I was grateful I had already read DI's suggested article on "copyleft" and "creative commons" licensing so I had a little more of an idea of what they were talking about.

Basically Wikibooks hosts some original books as well as free content books found on the internet. They work on the same concept as all the other wiki projects in that anyone can come in and alter or add information.

I checked out the humanities section and was a bit disappointed that there wasn't much there. They have a small section dedicated to technical theatre, but at least the information is pretty accurate. I have a lot of friends that I will now direct to this project to help add better content. I think that if people continue to update and information this would be a very useful tool.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I have used Flickr to find pictures that I can use for my multimedia class, so I decided I would join. It was easy since I have a Yahoo account. Uploading images is very easy. All you have to do is choose the image and click upload.

I am not sure I like Flickr yet. The profile settings are very general and I cannot seem to add links to anything that they don't offer a blank space for. So I haven't been able to link to anything other than my CMS site. I do like like Picnik, their sister sight for editing. It is very easy to use and actually gives you quite a few options for being free.

I have used Picasa before, I liked it well enough, but I didn't want to download it on my computer again. I already have Iphoto and with Picasa I then had two copies of everything floating around and it got rather messy to figure out things were saved.

Monday, February 22, 2010

YouTube? MeTube!

Ok, the title of this blog is probably really lame, but it made me giggle when I typed it.

Anyway, to my topic...

I had created a Youtube account last semester when working on my final project for web design. I used it for only posting the one video and didn't really expect to need it again. But I have now gone in a couple of times this semester to add new videos. So when I saw that we needed to go in and create accounts, this was pretty easy.

As I was updating my profile I had to actually laugh at the section that says "describe yourself". I really wanted to put petite female wearing sweats and fuzzy socks (as that is what I am currently wearing in case you cared:)). But I thought putting this out there would definitely attract some audience members I may not want. So I have left it blank for now.

I was quite surprised how easy it was to set up and account and ad video. I think I was expecting the upload process to be a lot more complicated. I also like the privacy settings options. Currently they are set to public since I wasn't sure how else my classmates would be able to view things unless I add you all as friends/family, which I might try to see how that process works.

Once I create the other accounts I will add them to my profile page as well.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Wiki wiki wiki

So who knew there were so many things under the title of "wiki"? Obviously not me. I know about Wikipedia, but I didn't realize there was a Wiktionary, Wikiversity, there are even more than that, but I don't think I can list them all.

I do like that fact that you can use the same user name for all of the wiki-sites. It made it easy to move around between them. When I first started trying to edit information, I didn't know where to begin. I felt like I didn't have anything valid to contribute to any of the information shown. So far I have only made small contributions, but really did have fun with adding information on the CI 1516 page. There was no information on the page. There wasn't much to find and then Lucy pointed out that most people spell Pices as Pisces. So I could see how there could be confusion and multiple postings with different spellings.

In creating my profile page, I have started out small. I haven't used 10 different formatting types yet, but I am still trying to figure out what to add. Here is my beginning.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

A penny for my thoughts....

I have been thinking about this for a while. I am a little more used to the set up of this class. I still find it a bit frustrating to not know what really lies ahead. Most weeks I feel rushed trying to get the "assignments" done and that I don't really know if I am doing them well, but I am pretty sure I would get some input if I was really doing that poorly.

I think I am still trying to find my purpose in this class. I now seem to have knowledge new tools and applications, but I still don't really know what to do with them. I have learned more about Youtube and why it is more than just a site to look up funny videos. I have used Wikipedia often, even before this class, but I tend to go to it for information, not feel that I have something to add to it. I like using Google Image Labler, but mostly because it is fun more than because I am helping make the web a little more organized, although that is a nice side effect. So far Google Wave seems like a combination of AIM and Google Docs, but without the some of the good parts. I understand it it is still being developed, but have to admit it so far has been a bit of a bummer.

I have decided that while Moodle's layout is very easy and overall user friendly, I have problems locating the newest posts so I can respond to them in a timely fashion. I spend so much time looking at each topic and trying to locate the newest additions that by the time I find the post I wanted to respond to I have kind of lost my train of thought, or at least my energy.

I like Google groups because it sends you emails and you can respond from your email. Each email also has the correct name of the thread in the subject so you could find it should you go to the group page and want to respond. Moodle sends out an e-mail, but it isn't easy to know what heading the subject was under to find it and respond (see previous paragraph).

I know more people have been responsive than I have. I love reading everyone's posts and blogs, but right now I feel like a sponge. I am just absorbing the information, analyzing it and what to do with it. I don't always feel like I have something valid to say, and I am pretty sure it isn't good netiquette to just write "cool" or something like that as a response. I often find articles while at work that I find interesting, but I cannot access the Google groups page from work to post it, so I have started using Google buzz, but but not sure how many of our class is using that regularly.

I do feel that I am not sure where I am supposed to be posting regularly. I don't mind using all the different sites, I just get worried that I might miss something important. So far it seems there is no real activity on our Ning page. I know we are going to add even more places that we are supposed to post and network on at some point, I just hope I can keep up with it.

I wonder if it would be worth taking turns using the sites. Perhaps saying that for a few days or a week we are only posting to Google groups, or Ning, whichever DI or the class chooses so that we are in a sense forced to try to use the tool and all its capabilities. I think I might actually like that instead of just getting a sampling of a lot of things; learn to actually use a few things really well.

I think that is what I am looking for. I would like to be familiar with as many tools that are out there, but I want know how to use them really well. For me that might really be choosing a select few and really setting my mind to finding out what they can do. I have begun with some of the suggestions DI made about utilizing my Gmail account to help filter all my email accounts. It has become a blessing and I am starting to find more ways to keep things where I would like to find them as references.

Another tool I have really liked using is Wordle. I think I mostly like it because it is fun to use; but I have found that it may be a really useful tool in some of the team and one on one coaching and consulting my department does.

So maybe I have just found my purpose for this class. Hmm, perhaps blogging has a purpose after all:) I think my MBTI personality is at a slight disadvantage with this type of class; it moves a bit faster than my processing skills are use to. So while I might be a little behind or slow to respond, I will get to the finish line and enjoy the scenery along the way.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


I set up a Delicious account at the beginning of the semester. I think it was Krysti who might have mentioned it and so I went out to see what it was.

I love that I can tag, sort, and group things however I see fit for me. I can have things tagged to be in more than one group. I started with various links to things for this class, but then included all of my bookmarks from my work PC and from my own laptop. It's great, I can now go anywhere and access the websites I use most without having to remember the URL for each one.

I know it can do so much more than I am currently using it for. I just haven't had the time to really explore. Each time I go in I try to read about things you can do, and it is pretty amazing how something that seems so simple can really help keep me organized - and for free!

I haven't figured out how to share my bookmarks or add people to my network, but should anyone be interested let me know and I will figure it out. I had forgotten that I had a yahoo account, but that is the email Delicious recognized when I was registering. I agree with Rick, I think I have too many email accounts. Although I am slowly learning how to manage those too.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Second life thoughts

The other night we all met in Second Life to learn more about how to maneuver our way around. I really liked actually getting to meet my classmates, since this will probably be the closest we get to truly meeting.

I now have a better sense of what SL can be used for. When I first entered, I really had no idea what to do with my avatar. I knew I really wanted to change clothes, which took a while to figure out. I had more fun the second time I visited because I met up with Kelly and it was more fun to explore with a buddy.

So it was really great when DI gave us his list to help us find ways of moving around. I really like his explanation of ignore and explore. I think that was my biggest take away. I don't have to decide to give up reality for a virtual world, but I can use it to explores things that I would never get to do in my real life, well at least not easily.

I was pretty fascinated by meeting Von Fosse. I never expected to meet someone 72 years old who was obviously really involved with SL. She had even gotten married to someone through SL. I have to say I wondered if she had met this person in reality or they really just chatted online. I am not sure what that says though if you are willing to share so much with someone that you would marry them in another world, but not in reality. I am trying not to judge, but it does make me curious about the though process.

I am not sure I see the use of this as a learning tool other than to break out and learn to explore. It is somewhat useful for meeting as a class, but there are other tools out there that could possibly do that without as much spacial limitations. We did seem rather crowded in DI's world. I am looking forward to exploring other countries and hopefully learning things that I didn't before.

So while I am not sure that I will continue living a double life after this class, it will be fun exploring and getting to know my classmates in a way that email just doesn't quite afford.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Oh my Wordle!

Wordle is really pretty cool. I had never seen or played with it before, but I have seen "word clouds" on things before.

I was having trouble writing something about where I am now, so I went in and actually wrote up things in my current job description. When I put it all into world, I loved the first result. The biggest word was training. That is what my department does, not totally what I do. I am primarily the support to the trainers. But the image was still what I wanted. It was very linear and straight forward.

When I started thinking about where I wanted to go, or what I wanted to be, I began deleting words and re-writing things. I played around and think I came up with something I liked. I can't say it is completely based on Web 2.0 or that type of position, but hopefully being able to incorporate Web 2.0 tools into what I currently do. I entered the words and clicked create. At first there were a few words i realized weren't quite right, so i did some editing. Then I really played with colors and layout. I found I really felt the words shouldn't be in a set pattern. I wanted them to be more free form and expressive.

I guess that is how I see the Internet and its capabilities. As something not linear, but sometime jumbled up yet still sort of cohesive.

I think I was also saying something about myself. Overall I am someone who is rather structured and follows the instructions. I like guidance and information. In this class I am learning to let loose a little, to explore on my own to see what it is I want to learn. It is still a challenge for me and I know I will never quite move into the free form extrovert, but I am trying to tell my introverted tendencies to calm down and see where this all leads.

This type of word cloud could be used in so many ways. Just from what I have said, I could see this in training purposes, personal explorations, and brainstorming. I actually think it would be fun to take a research paper or someones thesis and see what it pulled out. I think I might have to try that.

Thanks for the experience DI.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Making work fun

I loved the video. I liked how even though he was talking about things that were new to me, he made them fun and interesting. I liked how he talked about making the work fun. No one likes just being told to sit at their desk and type in random data that they have no vested interest in. But when you make into an interesting game, it is amazing how many people want to play.

I have never played any of these games before. After reading some of the other posts I have to check out the rice game and found that addicting. I love learning new words. I found that my vocabulary was pretty good, but there were plenty I had no real idea what they meant.

So while all of these games are fun and addicting, I think it is really interesting that someone has found a way to make them mean something. While the image labeler is not feeding the world, it is truly helping to make things more easily found on the Internet. There have been plenty of times I have searched for images on the web only to find some of the most random things pop up.

I am not really sure what other types of things you could use these for, but I am sure there are plenty of applications out there. Labeling images is only a beginning.

Friday, February 5, 2010


Is there such a thing as too much communication?

When I first started this class, I thought perhaps maybe there was.

I was overwhelmed by the amount of postings. Most of which I did not understand their purpose. I felt lost for the first few days, but as we all started settling in, the discussion started to take direction and information was being passed along quickly and easily.

So, this morning when I checked my emails, I was shocked to find there were no new posts. I began to wonder is there such a thing as communication overload withdrawal? I didn't seem to know what to think as I stared at my empty mail box - well perhaps not empty but nothing new and shiny.

What I find so interesting this semester is the major difference in communication between my Web 2.0 class and my Multimedia 5200 class. This class communicates so much more, about everything. Yes, most every post has something to do with web 2.0, but not always something specific to a class related task, just a good sharing of information.

In my other class, it seems people don't want to post or something. There seem to only be a few of us who try to post things, mostly questions hoping that others will respond, but no one really does.

For a class that has a very detailed syllabus and timeline, there is very little communication going on, especially about class expectations or projects. Whereas this class began with no set goals or syllabus much less a timeline, and there is far more sharing and collaborating happening. I don't know if it is because due to the free form format we all just felt we needed to share and have kept doing so, or if it is just a different class dynamic.

I haven't decided if I prefer one "method" over the other as of yet. I can say I like the written timeline of things to do so I can plan and prepare for the other class, but I truly miss class interaction. In this class, I miss the lack of more structure and knowing what is to come, but I absolutely love the collaboration that is happening and it does seem to help make up for the moments I feel a little lost. Someone always helps me find the breadcrumbs.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


This week has been challenging. It is only Wednesday and I feel behind in everything, not just this class. You would have thought that having the snow and a forced day inside would have helped me feel like I was catching up or getting ahead, but no. Instead it caused me to not be able to go look at wedding venues, which made my mother very cranky.

Ok, a personal venting moment: it's my wedding right? I am the one planning it and putting it all together. Why do other think they can tell me what I should be doing? Argh!

Ok, back to other things....

I really like a lot of things about this class. I am kind of glad we might be moving things over to google groups, but I think I have gotten used to the messiness of our current site. But I also like google groups, I used it for another class and while it did occasionally become challenging to make sure I had gotten to read everything, it did consistently tell me of new posts, unlike moodle.

There are times I feel like if I don't check the site 2 or 3 times a day I might miss something, but pretty sure that's just me. I tend to over think many things and not always listen to my instincts. Trying to get better with that.

I really liked looking up Web 2.0 tools and terms. I really don't seem to know a lot of them or what they do. At some point I think I will be able to tell my grandparents what it is about. Although for the first half of my working life they didn't understand what I did for a living as a stage manager, not sure this would go over any easier.