Sunday, April 18, 2010


When I first got my Mac and started uploading photos, I thought it was really cool how it could automatically read the dates of when the images had been taken. I could also then go in and add tags to say where they had been taken and it would put everything on a map for me. I had never seen anything like that before.

I hadn't realized that Flickr could do that as well. It did take me a little time to figure out how to actually add the geotag to my photos. I easily figured out tagging them, but getting them onto the map was a little more tricky. I think I ended up doing it in a rather round about way, but it all worked out. It's fun to see where everyone in our class has been. There are some great traveler's out there. I am hoping that I will be able to add some international pictures soon.

I knew a little about EXIF, although not that term. I know that a lot of things now have the capability of tracking your exact location. My cell phone has that, but it is only activated if I dial 911. Other than that I don't think it has any idea of where I really am. I think GPS technology is really amazing, but there are times I really wonder if we really need all of it to be so accessible. I have to say I am not terribly excited that you can look up my exact house on google earth, even though I think the concept is cool. I don't know if it's that I worry about the "big brother" concept, or that I really just don't think that people need to know all about that unless I want them to. It just seems to much like someone spying or being that annoying busy body always in everyone else's business.

On the other hand, after watching the TED video, I think that is amazing. I agree with Morgon that I would put some of my images out there to let people pull from them and create full images of places or things. I can see al sorts of ways that technology could be used. It would be great in the classroom. Imagine studying architecture and being able to look at the building from all angles and not just a one dimensional picture. I went to the website and looked at some of things they have on there and was just fascinated.

1 comment:

  1. Your comments really sum up the view of many of us who are seeing some of the marvels of technology through the eyes of this class. And to think there is gobs and gobs more out there.
